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Web Pages, Radar Rainfall Study Examples, and  How To Videos on this Website

--Indroducing GetRealtime automated retrieval and computations of  free real-time hydrological and meteorological  data available on the web.

--Description and uses of the GetRealtime programs for data acquisition and computation, visual display, and data management in real-time.
Down Loads--
Links for free downloading latest version of programs.
Restister so I can keep an eye on you... you may need ... you know... help.
Help for using Getrealtime.exe, GetGraphs.exe, and GetAccess.exe... see.
GetNexrad Help--
Help for using GetNexrad.exe radar viewer and LatLongPixel.exe radar pixel locater.  Includes NASCAR Cup Series racing schedule and radar sites for ETA of storm cells.

More Stuff--
Additional software of use to hydrologists and extensions of GetRealtime that include:  

 Excel GetRegression.xls
 Excel ProbabilityGraphs.xls
 Excel Example with GoalSeek/Tips
 Excel GetFlowRecord.xls
 Excel ModPuls.xls
 HurricaneEarl2010Gifs.zip and storms etc.
 Topo Maps on Google Earth quick & easy tip

--Full screen Google Maps used by GetMapArea.exe for finding lat and long of points of interest.
Full screen Google Maps used by GetMapArea.exe for determining runoff basin boundarys.

Getting Started with Nashville Example Rainfall Runoff (Zip 9 MB)--Fully operational project example for radar rainfall, adjustment, and runoff computations for 3 subs at Nashville, TN with Hec HMS, RAS and EPA-SWMM projects.  Unzip the download to C:\ where the folder C:\GetNashville will be created and read the file READ_ME.txt..  After getting this project working then you can copy it and convert it to your basin of interest.  And here is a fully operational SNOWMELT setup example in New York.  More questions, see next Start Here!

Getting Started with Radar Rainfall--Steps for downloading and installing needed programs for radar rainfall and adjustment.  Get started here.  See Radar Rainfall Ajustment, Charlotte, NC for really how it's done.  More questions, see next Start Here!

Getting Started with Radar Rainfall Runoff Setup Example Harvard Gulch--A concise step by step quide to setups for using GetRealtime radar rainfall and runoff (top half).  More questions, see Help! at top. 

Getting Started with Snowmelt (Zip 9 MB)--Fully operational project example in New York I'm using winter and summer.  If the radar over shoots and leaves you high and dry... just set the midnight snow water equivelant from heated gages or NOAA swe and let the melt or rain on snow proceed... and shell Hec-Ras for ice jams I guess.

Example Simple Single Rain Gage Adjustment Evaluation (Zip 13 MB) all inclusive setup.  I did this to compare forecasts using NWS, HRRR, and Radar Nowcasts for Hurricane Florence of Sep 2018.  If all else seems overwhelming just install GetRealtime and then forget about that install and unzip this to C:\GetProjects\ to see a much simpler setup.  Just remember a single gage adjusted POINT radar BETTER look just like the gaged rainfall.  Also I have a -3 hr Pacific time zone shift in NWS Forecast in GetRealtime_setup.txt and the rain gage in table 'rsite'.

Case studies in real-time
(GetRealtime has been improved over the years as reflected in these
studies, so be sure to check out the latest results near the bottom of
each web page... actually it's the input rainfall that's been improved.)
Radar Rainfall Ajustment, Charlotte, NC--Confidence building using 3 Wundergages to adjust radar rainfall at 6 USGS rain gages and an adjusted basin runoff comparisons.  Also includes comparison of super res Level 2, Composite N0Q, and good ol' N0Q... yes, N0Q cleans their clock... I hope!  Study completed in 2013 but is still an important read.
Radar Rainfall 3-hr NOWCAST Comparisons from around the USA--Gallery of ongoing comparisons of  Nowcasts using Lagrangian frame of reference by moving subbasins upwind each 5 minutes on last radar image to see how well they work... or not.  Includes NWS 7 day and HRRR 18 hour.

A Farmers Guide for the Cadillac Desert--Adjusting Water Orders on the Colorado River Arizona-California with Gila River flooding.  Includes setups.

154 sqmi Slate Creek at Wellington, KS--Easy automation of HEC-HMS runoff and hydrologic routings and HEC-RAS unsteady flow using GetRealtimes gage adjusted radar rain and snowmelt for real-time continuous operation and forecasting.   Includes setups.

Past real-time examples of NEXRAD rainfall and runoff  studies.

NWS Snowcasts of Melt and SWE Comparisons to GetRealtime from around the USA--Gallery of ongoing comparisons of the NWS forecasts of SWE and Melt to GetRealtime snowmelt computations (and has already let to improvements in GRT).

54 sqmi Rapid Creek above Canyon Lake Dam, SD--5 subbasins combine with scheduled realease from upstream Pactola Dam. 
23.9 sqmi Willow Creek nr Crooks, SD--Another high plains GetRealtimes gage adjusted radar rain and snowmelt for real-time continuous operation and forecasting. These basins on the high plains have extrememly long peak rain to peak runoff times,  20 hours for a 23 sqmi basin.   Maybe its groundwater lag with all the sand or something???

63.2 sqmi Massies Creek nr Wilmington, OH--Another close to radar GetRealtimes gage adjusted radar rain and snowmelt for real-time continuous operation and forecasting in Ohio.  Single subbasin with GetRealtime snowmelt method.

Quick Setup for Urban Nashville, TN--Let see how GetRealtime does in Tennessee with minimal effort on my part.  Listed are my notes needed to quickly set this basin up, the adjusting Wundergages, and to subdivide it.  Includes a quick look at the frequencies of the epic May 2010 radar.
Flood control reservoirs at Houston, TX--Reservoir storage release ratings were constructed for 2 flood control reservoirs on Buffalo Bayou above Houtson actively operated using Hurricane Harvey 30", 2000 year(?) rainfall with current flood relase forecasts.

168 sqmi Bear Creek below Ashland, OR-- Nexrad 5-Minute Radar Rainfall/Snowmelt-Runoff Comparisons in Real-Time With Radar1-HR Ratio Adjustments and Contiuous SCS Curve Number Soil Flood Potential.  Updated routings for automated scheduling of dam releases and canal diversions for active operations for an irrigation district.

40 sqmi Mill Creek at Dalton, GA-- Nexrad 5-Minute Radar Rainfall-Runoff Comparisons in Real-Time With Radar1-HR Ratio Adjustments and Contiuous SCS Curve Number Soil Flood Potential.  Shows reservoir operations for 2 reservoirs not actively operated.

Runoff Comparison in San Joaquin Valley, CA--Comparisons of  Nexrad radar generated area averaged rainfall and snowmelt runoff with a USGS stream gage in San Joaquin Valley, CA.  Study Part 1 ended 5/18/2011.  Part 2 added snowpack/melt but ended with a Snafu and a Fubar.  Part 3 winter 2013 redeems Snafu and Fubar using hourly adjusted radar and continuous SCS loss methods. Study continues and includes the NWS 7-day hourly weather forecast and 3-hour Nowcassts for computation of projected rain/melt and runoff.

114 sqmi Oneida Creek at Oneida, NY-- Snowwpack & Melt/Rainfall Runoff Comparisons in Real-Time.  Study started again Oct 1, 2017 using A2M multi-radar multi-sensor 2-minute rain rates for winter snowfall to see if no adjustment and less overshoot can be found.  Like all other NWS precip products, A2M was once again found to be a complete dud here.

114 sqmi Oneida Creek at Oneida, NY-- Nexrad 5-Minute Radar Snowpack & Melt/Rainfall Runoff Comparisons in Real-Time With Radar1-HR Ratio Adjustments and Contiuous SCS Curve Number.  Study ended with Nexrad Product dual pol. Total Rainfall PTA a complete dud.  Also the NWS runoff forecast had forecast zero rise in stage while GetRealtime was showing Major flood stage because of Nowcasts and just plain way better rainfall than NWS - PTA.
Large 610 sqmi Burro Creek Basin nr Bagdad, AZ was subdivided to see if runoff computations could be improved for this dry desert basin with some winter snowpack using N0Q and NCQ.  Because of bad results due to distance from radar sites and few rain gages, radar product PTA storm total was tried without success so now multi-radar multi-sensor product A2M unadjusted rainfall rate wasevaluted and FAILED.

80 sqmi Napa River above St Helena, CA-- Nexrad 5-Minute Radar Rainfall-Runoff Comparisons in Real-Time With Radar1-HR Ratio Adjustments and Contiuous SCS Curve Number Soil Flood Potential.  Shows reservoir operations for a reservoir not actively operated.

Runoff Comparison in Las Vegas, NV--Comparisons of  Nexrad radar generated area averaged rainfall runoff with a USGS stream gage and tipping bucket network in Las Vegas Valley, NV.  Includes adjusted radar rainfall error comparisons at the tipping buckets.

Web Automation Demo--Demonstrates GetRealtime's automation in real-time web dissemination of runoff and forecasts imagery using the large and complex Tallapoosa River Basin at Harris Dam, AL.  Let's see if we can simplify things and tame this big beast with radar.

Runoff Computations for Maurice River NJ--A temporary setup example for the swampy Maurice River near Norma, NJ.

Rainfall Comparisons Blue Ridge Mtns, NC--Comparisons of 3 simultaneous Nexrad radar sites generated point rainfall amounts with tipping bucket rain gages and with a 90.8 sqmi catchment with snowpack, melt, and runoff..  Radar rainfall adjusted hourly.
Snowfall Precip/Pack/Melt Comparisons--Comparisons of  Nexrad radar generated point snow water equivilants with Sierra snow gauges (and Fargo).  With a radar over shoot discussion and computation.

Rush River near Fargo, ND-- Snowwpack & Melt/Rainfall Runoff Comparisons in Real-Time.

Runoff Comparisons in Arizon--Comparisons of four  Nexrad radar generated area averaged rainfall runoff with USGS stream gages in the northwestern Arizona deserts and canyon lands that just never did too well but may be resussitated someday.

ET and Rainfall along the Lower Colorado River, AZ-CA--Ongoing comparison of  CIMIS vs Wunderground Evapotranspiration computations and Nexrad radar generated point and area averaged rainfall at irrigated farm districts of the sunny southwestern deserts (and an African example).

Rainfall Comparisons--Comparisons of  Nexrad radar generated point rainfall amounts with tipping bucket rain gages.  Includes hypothedical peak runoff comparisons for those foolishly daring to go beyond daily rainfall totals (this aint pretty).  Study ended 5/18/2011.
More Rainfall Comparisons Ft Lauderdale, FL--Comparisons of  different Nexrad radar products generated point rainfall amounts with tipping bucket rain gages
Indirect Peak Flow Videos:
Indirect Peak Flow Measuredment by Critical Depth
Indirect Peak Flow Measuredment by Slope-Area

More GetRealTime videos on YouTube can be found at the bottom of my list here:

--------ODDS and ENDS----------------------------------------------

Getlocal.htm for setting GetNexrad location:
Get your PC's location info

Google Earth EPA WATERS KMZ streams and catchment boundaries as of Sep 15, 2020:

Google Earth USGS Topo Quads KMZ as of Sep 15, 2020:

Year DST Begins 2 a.m. (Second Sunday in March) DST Ends 2 a.m. (First Sunday in November)
2007 11 March 2007 4 November 2007
2008 9 March 2008 2 November 2008
2009 8 March 2009 1 November 2009
2010 14 March 2010 7 November 2010
2011 13 March 2011 6 November 2011
2012 11 March 2012 4 November 2012
2013 10 March 2013 3 November 2013
2014 9 March 2014 2 November 2014
2015 8 March 2015 1 November 2015
2016 13 March 2016 6 November 2016
2017 12 March 2017 5 November 2017
2018 11 March 2018 4 November 2018
2019 10 March 2019 3 November 2019
2020 8 March 2020 1 November 2020
2021 14 March 2021 7 November 2021
2022 13 March 2022 6 November 2022
2023 12 March 2023 5 November 2023
2024 10 March 2024 3 November 2024
2025 9 March 2025 2 November 2025
2026 8 March 2026 1 November 2026
2027 14 March 2027 7 November 2027
2028 12 March 2028 5 November 2028
2029 11 March 2029 4 November 2029
2030 10 March 2030 3 November 2030
2031 9 March 2031 2 November 2031
2032 14 March 2032 7 November 2032
Latest Sotware Updates/Fixes:

Listing of of changes to all the programs since Jan1, 2018:  CodeUpdates.txt

Updated GetRealtime_datatypes.txt

Updated RadarSiteMosaics.txt in your GetRealtime.exe folder for Canada radar codes.

Check your RGB table A2M radar product is this one for GetRealtime.exe, GetNexrad.exe:  Level3RGB2RainRateA2m.txt


Email: carson@getmyrealtime.com


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