GetRealtime code changes and additions after Jan 1, 2018: 1) 2/10/2018--GetRealtime.exe, Module1, Sub Modpul: Set reservoir release option fix. 2) 3/12/2018--GetRealtime.exe, Module1, Sub USBR: PN url updated, GP no change. 3) 4/12/2018--GetRealtime.exe, Module1, Sub TrackFromWindsAloft: Retry url if no data; remove start datetime from url. 4) 5/6/2018--GetRealtime.exe, Module1, Sub USBR: vbcrlf changed to vblf split. 5) 5/17/2018--GetRealtime.exe, Form1, Sub MyMain: Form1 global hdbmb$ added to F I N I S H end message and mnuInfo for HDB file size. 6) 6/27/2018--GetRealtime.exe, Module1,Function GetUrlSource(): Do While (lReturn <> 0) ''And hInternet 7) 7/2/2018--GetRealtime.exe, Module1, Sub wunderground(): Airports now use Iowa Mesonet, see web help. * 7/24/2018 ********** Code sent to David ******** 8) 8/22/2018--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.chkNowcastOFF: Check box turns off all radar Nowcasts in module1 sub GetNexradAll. 9) 8/28/2018--GetNexrad.exe, Module1.bas_polyKMLTemp, formSurfaceObs.frm_Form_Load(): Fixed scrape change in surface obs source html change. 10) 10/21/2018--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.bas_ComputeET: Set regresstype% if missing/forecast using reported Solar ET comps. 11) 11/4/2018--GetRealtime.exe, Form1_Call Route, Module1.bas_Route: Added warmup days to Base1 setup. Long modpul streams may need several days to drain. 12) 11/21/2018--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.bas_Modpul: Added IsNumeric() to skip text lines in modpul rating. 13) 1/4/2019--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.bas_TextFile: Added check for data file Line Feed terminated lines (unix) and replace with vbLFCR corrected temp file to read. If no formula needed then remove formula P4 or even P1. 14) 4/9/2019--GetNexrad.exe, Module1.bas_QPFrings, Module1.bas_FloodP, formSurfaceObs.???, Form1.???: Increased QPF rings and Flood points deminsions and bad lat/long check. NWS went to kmz format only so added unzipper. 15) 5/20/2019--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.bas_wunderScrape: Added minor changes to Module1.bas_wunderground url and Form1_MyMain rainrate type. 16) 6/13/2019--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.bas_wunderScrape: Restored old URL query method and added PWSweather and MesoWest weather stations. 17) 8/30/2019--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.bas_GetUSGS: Replace url http:// with https:// causing sporatic no data found. 18) 8/30/2019--GetRealtime.exe, Form3_cmdSuppress: Increased radar suppression button from 0.08 in/hr to 0.151 in/hr. 19) 2/26/2020--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.bas_COE: For I& = 100 To UBound(USGSrows$()) instead of 200. 20) 4/19/2020--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.bas_COE: Fixed missing ". 86) 5/26/2021--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.COE: Corps went to htps: instead of htp: 87) 6/05/2021--GetNexrad.exe, Form1.Command1: Overlay check box only turns off city/states, not warnings and surface obs. 88) 6/06/2021--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.GetUSGS: USGS //waterservices.usgs down for 4 days for some states. Replaced waterservices with //waterdata.usgs. 89) 7/06/2021--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.MnuRadar: Fixed A2M radar image click for rain rate. 90) 9/03/2021--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.GetUSGS: USGS water services seems to be working well again. 91) 1/1/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.ShellRAS: Compiled with RAS 6.1. Download GetRealtimeRas41.exe or GetRealtimeRas5.exe to use those Hec-RAS versions. 92) 1/19/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Form1, Picutre4: Got a new 1080P monitor and set text size and had to set Scale Mode to pixels. Only affects display, not image rainfall calc. 93) 1/19/2022--GetNexrad.exe, Form3: Got a new 1080P monitor and set text size and had to set Scale Mode to pixels. 94) 2/2/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module2, Form2, Form1: Moved Form1_MouseMove to MyMouseMove and changed SetWindowLong, GetWindowLong to SetWindowLongPtr and GetWindowLongPtr and MOUSEMOVE added to Module2.WndProc. My 1080P monitor needed to increase Display text size and VB6 form_MouseMove wouldn't fire in Sytem Tray mode. If a problem use Minimize to System Tray=False in setup file. 95) 2/05/2022--GetNexrad.exe, Form1.Command1: Set rain gage value text in circles for screen DPI changed with Windows text display personalization. 96) 2/05/2022--GetGraphs.exe, Form1.DrawSolidShape: Adjust flood level color bands for screen DPI changed with Windows text display personalization. 97) 2/6/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.NWSflow: Fixed forecast flow kcfs to cfs if not kcfs. 98) 2/8/2022--GetFromAccessNOW.exe, Module1: Set ET to use rday like rainfall when radaymax is requested for mixing with peak flows. 99) 2/8/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.getdsource: Fixed solar and ET GetRealtime_setup.txt formula P4 to use P1 so actual adjustments like P1*.9 will work. If you have a formula of P4 or P5 for ET or radiation you have to delete them now. 99) 2/9/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.MesoWest: Fixed header line _set_1d that caused a problem on a station. 100) 2/10/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.USCSsnotel: Fixed retrieval period so current day is included. Updated USCS SNOTEL help to their current web pages. 101) 2/11/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.TrackFromWindsAloft: Fixed NowCast_ESX_NCQ_RECENT.png font size adjust for screen dpi. 102) 2/11/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.Nexrad: Added outline box to radar image to see where it ends. 103) 2/12/2022--GetNexrad.exe, Form1.TopoMapTiles: Removed discontinued map tiles from menu and fixed Arcgis new tile URL. 104) 2/12/2022--GetNexrad.exe, RadarSites.txt: Updated several Canada S band upgrade radar site codes. Download and replace: Just a few old codes left: 105) 2/13/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.MyMain: Simplified time shifted retrievals so previous daily value is not zeroed. 106) 2/14/2022--GetNexrad.exe, Form1.List1: Adjusted small plot boxes for screen dpi. 107) 2/15/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.MyMain: Elevation datatype=3 elevation is end of day like total rainfall 9. Now matches datatype_id=4 for contents. 108) 2/16/2022--GetNexrad.exe, Form1.Drawboundary: Added pen width option for boundaries. 109) 2/17/2022--GetNexrad.exe, Form1.Load: New version 4.4.0. Fixed setup read. 110) 2/17/2022--GetGraphs.exe, Form1.ShowMe: If graph range is zero set to .1 instead of 1. 111) 2/15/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.MyMain: Fixed elevation datatype 3 treatment. 112) 2/19/2022--GetNexrad.exe: Added a map for full view of Canada radars and full setup now has all available radar type example PNG's for the USA. 113) 2/19/2022--GetNexrad.exe, Module1.SaveFile: Added another Canada brown map color to make transparent. 114) 2/20/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.SaveFile: Added another Canada brown map color to make transparent. Upped version to 4.4.0. 115) 2/20/2022--GetNexrad.exe, Dialogfrm.command1: Besides setting metric=true in the GetNexrad_ESX_Gages.txt you can click on the dbz legend and check 'Metric" box. 116) 2/21/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.MyMain: Added a warning to GetRealtime_errlog.txt when 'Gage Minimum for Hourly Ratios' > 0.05". For frozen rain gages its easy to set this value to 9 to use the default ratio but don't forget to reset when it warms up. 117) 2/23/2022--GetGraphs.exe, Form1.ShowGraphs: Reduced range for requiring Microsoft auto scale bug for small negative to positive value range. Needed for ET. 118) 2/23/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.GetUrlSource: Fixed internet connection down for much faster skips. 119) 2/25/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.Wunderground: Fixed bypassing of airports at Iowa Mesonet and added more WU error messages. Updated wizard radar products on frmWizard and updated RadarSiteMosaics.txt for Canada sites. Added all errors as red at end of run menu screen. 120) 2/26/2022--GetNexrad.exe, Form1.nearestWeatherStation: Changed nearest weather gage to NWS forecast page. 121) 2/26/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.MyMain: Changed computation error count and station error count to 10 station errors before run terminated, was 20 and didn't include no data/no connection error. 122) 3/2/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Form1, Form2: Added user text box for setting number of missing stations before aborting run. 122) 3/5/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Form1, Main1: Tweaks to GetURL, WU stations, and error counting. 122) 3/17/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.NWSforecast: Added sleep 15 seconds and retry. Set txt to message so no more retrys on other parameters. 123) 5/19/2022--N0Q radar images have been replaced with N0B super high resolution 0.25km. The high resolution US mosaics. Iowa Mesonet Update Info: 124: 5/20/2022: GetNexrad.exe, GetRealtime.exe, LatLongPixels.exe, and LatLongPixelsFromFile.exe have been updated to use the N0B images. See my web pages Help.aspx and GetNexradHelp.aspx. 125) 7/14/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Compile 4.4.2: Upded Hec-Ras 6.1 to 6.2. Requires new reference for compile. 126) 8/10/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.wunderground, MesoWest: Fixed odd Mesowest precip accumulations. 127) 9/1/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.MyMain: Fixed visibility of icon when minimized to tray set to false. 128) 12/25/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.getdsource: Fixed setting equation count to zero if equation 1 was "0" for multiple equations. 129) 12/25/2022--GetNexrad.exe, Main1.Nexrad, Nexradall: Iowa map service requires STYLE be inforced. VERSION 4.2.2. 130) 12/25/2022--GetRealtime.exe, Main1.Nexradall: Iowa map service requires STYLE be inforced. VERSION 4.2.3. 131) 3/31/2023--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.Spotwx: Fixed format change error on direct download. 132) 4/8/2023--GetRealtime.exe: Tested latest Hec-RAS 6.3 update and runs fine on Win 7 using 6.2 references ok. 133) 6/10/2023--GetRealtime.exe, Form1, Sub MyMain: Moved % impervious connected out from under interception factor. Now impervious area will produce runoff with even very high interception factor. 134) 7/9/2023--GetRealtime.exe, References: Update to Hec-RAS 6.4.1. Last version 6.3.1 will also run the new Ras version. 135) 8/5/2023--GetRealtime.exe ver 4.4.4, Module1.wunderground,Module1.wundergroundscrape,Module1.wundergroundscrapeNow, Form1.MyMain, Form1.getsource: Changed Wunderground Batch and normal modes after data provider changes. 136) 8/10/2023--GetRealtime.exe ver 4.4.4, Module1.wunderground, Form1.MyMain: Wunderground old downloads working again so using old methods in GetRealtime.exe. *************** SHOULD WUNDERGROUND WEATHER GAGES NOT WORK *************** 137) 8/16/2023--GetRealtimeWUupdate.exe SETUP EXAMPLE: KCAELCEN17; -29204; Solar; JC_RANCH El Centro; 1; C:\Users\Rod\Downloads\Personal Weather Station Dashboard _ Weather Underground.html; AND KEEP FORMULA1 EMPTY!!! You can run GetRealtimeWUupdate.exe in BATCH MODE but should have minute hh:59 or close as one of your timesteps. Otherwise you won't get the midnight total as it resets. On a fresh Batch startup of the day, the first retrieval value will not show up in the database until the 2nd retrieval. DOWNLOAD: ************************************************************************** 138) 8/24/2023--GetGraphs.exe, Form1.obj: Set listboxs integral height OFF and set height sufficient to elimanate scroll bars. 139) 8/24/2023--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.wunderground, MesoWest: Found another precip reporting method "since local midnight" and added to "24 hour" as already totals. Still use dsid as 10xxx and datatype_id ad 10, not 9 unless you really want these totals. 140) 8/28/2023--GetNexrad.exe, Form_SaveMe: Fixed FTP of saved pics when the setup GetNexradFiles.txt is not the default name. 141) 8/29/2023--GetRealtime.exe, Main1.GetCurrentCNNsql: Fixed bug using shared wifi database and added "Database connect using ADODB" to error log to show slower ado ACCESS speeds likely. 142) 8/30/2023--GetRealtime.exe, Main1.OpenHDB: For a shared database with "\\" in connect string use normal DAO (not slow ado). Added dbOpenDynaset instead of relying as default just in case. 143) 10/4/2023--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.wunderground: Fixed Mesowest multi precip totaling. 144) 10/16/2023--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.Nexrad, Form1.MyMain, Form3.Getrain: Fixed NCR radar color to rainrate out of bounds -1. 145) 11/08/2023--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.wunderground: Was using column zero if paramter column not found. Added error message. 146) 1/8/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.MyMain: Fixed first boundary when "RUN" used other than first radar boundary. 146) 2/10/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.form: Added and synced radar hours on main form so checking and unchecking run batch is not required. 147) 3/21/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.Compute: Fixed LAG in rtable paramter computations if only one parameter is being used. 148) 3/23/2024--GetNexrad.exe, Form1.list1: Removed ending values on 2 day small gage plots after curretn time for rainfall. 149) 3/25/2024--GetNexrad.exe, Form1.Load, Form1.Command3: Save Button added toggle rain gage ID or subbasin ID at values when radar range cirles are on. 150) 3/29/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.Compute: Added check for DSS file open success instead of a complete Fortran bombing. 151) 3/31/2024--GetNexrad.exe, Module1.QPFrings: NWS made a slight format change where the date is. Also KML's are now available so using them instead of unzipping KMZ. 152) 4/3/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.USBRjson, Form1.MyMain: Added getting scheduled releases using USBR HDB. Schedules require a site id (or 2 for summing Headgates bypass). 153) 4/4/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Project.References: Using Hec-Ras 6.5. 154) 5/4/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.Spotwx: Upaded GFS forecast for 3 days of hourly then 6 hour timesteps (2 models used in GFS). 155) 5/6/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.NWSforecast: Replaced the broken NWS forecast source with the National Forecast Digital Database source, hopefuly a temporary fix. 156) 5/6/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.NWSforecast: NWS has fixed their old and BETTER 7-day forecast and now using it. 157) 6/11/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Form3.cmdSuppress: Turn off completely radar instead of trying to suppress at 0.15 "/hr. 158) 7/2/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.NWSforecast: Fixed new NWS format. 159) 7/6/2024--GetNexrad.exe, Module1.Nexrad, Nexradall: Fixed Canada's new radar folder names. 160) 7/6/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.Nexradall: Fixed Canada's new radar folder names. 161) 8/22/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Form1.MyMain: If data source down/timed out, skip contiguous data source. 162) 10/7/2024--GetRealtime.exe, Module1.Nexradall, TrackFromWindsAloft: OP40 winds aloft discontinued so Nowcast now requires a NOAA airport ID like LAS added to Getrealtim_setup.txt: Nowcast 3, adjust type 3, LAS