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Free Hydrological Weather Radar System

(or just store some USGS and weather data)
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
The best and easy way to get started with weather radar rainfall runoff and it's FREE! 
GetRealTime = 5 Components

1) GetRealTime.exe - reads and stores data in MS Access DB; pulls data from other networkds, makes calculations, adjusts radar, runs flow models, and forecasts rain events and flows.

2) GetAccess.exe - frontend to the DB; useful for exporting and viewing data but DB is accessible and tables can be viewed and queried directly.

3) GetGraphs.exe - links to DB and websites; allows the viewing of up to 12 charts per view.

4) GetNexrad.exe - view radar images and loops, surface obs, flood forecasts, QPF rings, storm tracks, ETA, and more.

5) GetMapArea.exe - used to georeference radar watershed boundaries and run quick flow model what ifs and rainfall scenarios.

radar rain map

Interested in using Nexrad Radar rainfall in real-time or for historical analysis????
GetRealtime is a complete system for downloading, processing, storing radar information with event or continuous runoff simulations with automated Nowcasts (using my fabulous SCS CN soil moisture accounting)... and no, you do not need GIS software because the NWS is our GIS expert and have already gridded the radar info as 1 kilometer gridded images at highest resolution 0.5 dbZ every 5 minutes. We just average the image pixel color rainfall inside our boundary and skip the GIS. I will show you the steps with several case studies on how it all works in real-time.  And with you at the helm, I bet you can learn how to exceed any commercial service available so why not get started today and get your head in the game.  Run your own system top to bottom for rainfall frequency, flood analysis, and compute loads, DO, and who wants to know that stuff anyway yourself.  Don't see what you need or have some better ideas?... I bet I can add them. Or write your own software that puts or gets data to the GetRealtime database and GetRealtime can shell it and wait. So put the radar the Boss sees on TV on his desk and drag the dullard into Todaysville.

Don't worry, we will not be dealing with gridded radar records or gridded runoff modeling unless you insist on being some sort of masocist with sub par results. Instead of the usual Thiessen polygon weighted watershed rainfall record we substitute the averaged radar rainfall inside the watershed. So the only additional record needed is the adjustment of this radar rainfall record so add a few FREE real-time Wunderground weather stations and viola!... you just entered the 21st Century!  Toss in winds aloft storm track and the 6-hr NWS rainfall QPF's distributed to 5-minutes for the next 7 days and you have entered where few have gone before... Happytown USA in Real-Time!!!  And fast!  A 20 subbasin routing setup with some realtime rain gages for radar adjustments takes less than 30 seconds on my Windows XP.  GetRealtime can set its run time interval based on forecasts so don't sweat the 30 seconds.

In Jargonese, GetRealtime is a comprehensive data acquisition and hydrologic modeling system for short-term decision support of water control operations and flooding potentials in real time. It encompasses data collection, validation and transformation, data storage, visualization, real time model simulation with multi-run saves for later indernment, and data dissemination, and more, and can even use the HEC models RAS, HMS, ResSim and EPA-SWMM.  Just do some Put setup lines, then Shell, and some Get setup lines at any point in your basin setup where these guys can help.

Here is a real world example of GetRealtime installed on a MS Azure Cloud to provide real-time flood aware web services and custormer alerts 24/7 (Walter Schoel Engineering):
Or check out my 24/7 site run off my old laptop to GoDaddy when it's raining here... or snow melting here.  I keep trying to get these professional guys to add some pizzaz but to no avail. They know their customers better than some radar rube's idea for throwing all the spaghetti on the wall like I do.

This FREE suite of programs and functions include:

1) GetMapArea -- For us GIS ignorant (just Google Earth) for digitizing basin boundaries, runoff coefficients calibration, rainfall durations, and hydrograph shaping. This is how you did it before NED's and DEM's and Shapes and Layers, but if you already got your boundary lat/longs the hard way, that's ok too.

2) GetNexrad -- For current visualization of radar imagery, historical analysis, basin area averaging, gridded radar output, QPF forecasting, and radar track Nowcasting... AND storm ETA for NASCAR race fans.

3) GetRealtime -- Downloads current or historical radar imagery, rain gages, flows, forecasts, and computes gage/radar adjustment and applies them, incorporates NWS QPF's, storm track Nowcasts, snowmelt, ET, and then simulates event and continuous runoff and routings with multiple runs and traces and what ifs which means each real-time forecast and runoff comp can also automatically be saved for post event analysis.  Routings will handle most anything short of including hourly scheduled Modpul for Grand Coulee and it's system of dams and irrigation districts for the next 400 years hourly or 30 years at 5-minutes on my 1.3 gig ram XP.  Has 4 Monte Carlo methods for varying any of the runoff coefficients and the rainfall record/generation for calibration or stochastic runoff of as many storms for any period you like.  GetRealtime can write its radar adjusted rainfall or its runoff to Hec-DSS files in real-time so that you could also use Hec-HMS, RAS, ResSim and EPA-SWMM to do your bidding.  GetRealtime can automate RAS or SWMM to do its unsteady flow routings and read the results back into the GetRealtime system in real-time and likewise HMS and ResSim.  An esteemed RAS user retorts, "I've never had such good data to do a complete calibration with before. This is cool!! It used to take about a full day to get the data ready to do calibration runs. Here, we have the hydrology and the hydraulics working hand in hand to produce everything."  Didn't think you could ever run and link the HEC programs with automated data sources and a REAL database... in real-time... well now you can... but unless you are invested heavily in a current large project, why would you.

4) GetAccess -- Stores the inputs and outputs of all of the above in a simple Microsoft Access database that writes directly to and from MS Excel (also HEC-DSS ready format, GetRealtime writes/reads direct dss).  Maintains current and history to keep the Access file within 2 gigs or... use the dreaded SQLserver or other local/remote servers.

5) GetGraphs -- For viewing all this stuff and more in real-time and FTPing it up the channels.  You will be the master of all you survey, whether that is a very important sewer system or just some pretty mountain glacier.

So where do I start???  
Kick start a fully operational download project for radar rainfall runoff at Nashville from my Site Map page at Start Here!  Unzip and just start running it.  For details read do it yourself adjusted radar.  For an historical example at this site see the epic 2010 Nashville storm on a small 12 sqmi basin.  And email me your questions because you will have them and I expect you to have the best results possible.


GetRealtime ....just hit 'Start Realtime Retrieval' and go back to sleep...
GetRealtime main menuGetRealtime station setup list

GetRealtime and GetGraphs’ example of many auto paging screens...
automated hydrographs and web images

GetNexrad for viewing boundaries, basin radar rain, rain gages, plots and much much more...
radar rainfall map

GetAccess for database management of multi-run what ifs, stochastics, and forecast what were's...
MS Access hydrologic database
What real-time web data sources are made available by the GetRealtime system without charge or registration:

      1) Weather Underground’s thousands of weather stations around the world providing info such as Temperature, Humidity, Wind Speed, Dew Point, and Rainfall.

      2) US Geological Survey’s thousands of stream flow, reservoir, and water quality stations providing info such as Flow, Elevation, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity, Turbidity.

      3) California Data Exchange Center providing both hydrological and meteorological data from hundreds of state and federal sources through out California.

      4) US Conservation Service providing SNOTEL snowpack depths and other meteorological data throughout the western US mountains.

      5) US Bureau of Reclamation providing reservoir, meteorological, and evapotranspiration data through out the Pacific Northwest and Great Plains Regions of the US.

      6) US Army Corps of Engineers providing reservoir and stream data through out the US.

      7) California Irrigation and Management Information System providing meteorological and evapotranspiration data at hundreds of sites through out California.
      8) NWS 7-day Forecasts, 2-day Snowcasts, AFWS Automated Flood Warning System precip gages.

      9) NOAA Nexrad Doppler WSR-88D class radar imagery providing real time rainfall rates that are converted to areal average rainfall amounts for anywhere in the USA.
      10) Canada's 31 C band weather radars real time rainfall rates that are converted to areal average rainfall amounts.
      11) Canada's Water Survey of Canada streamflows and water levels.

      12) Any other ODBC database on your computer or over the internet.  You provide the connection string and SQL statement and away you go in real-time.  Computations can be made on the fly or stored first for more computations.

      13) Your personal weather station or other text file data.
      14) HEC-DSS files using their MS Excel HEC-DSS Add-In or directly creates and automates Hec-Ras unsteady flow projects.

      15) KISTERS QueryServices  data. 

      16) SpotWx weather forecast models such as hourly HRRR and RAP. 

      17) Iowa Environmental Mesonet at Iowa State University airport metars and most all radar images.

      18) MesoWest at University of Utah APRSWXNET/CWOP personal weather stations.

      19) The World Wide Web providing screen shots and gifs such as weather radar loops, webcams,
 current assessments, current prices, and just about everything else imaginable.

What kinds of computations can be made real-time during the GetRealtime retrieval:

      1) Conversions such as Temp C to Temp F, gage height to elevation, and metric to English or English to Metric.

      2) Computation of stream flow from gage heights, gate openings, and such with shifts applied with stage and time.

      3) Convert rainfall, snowpack, reservoir contents to percent of normal.

      4) Convert reservoir elevation to contents.

      5) Computation of both tall(alfalfa) and short(grass) hourly reference ET from Temp, Humidity and Wind Speed at Wunderground weather stations using methods of the ASCE Standard Penman-Monteith with a special solar computation if solar not available.

      6) Compute crop and lawn water use from the computed reference ET.

      7) Convert Dissolved Oxygen to percent saturation.

      8) Convert conductivity to TDS.

      9) Compute Absolute Humidity from Temp and RH.

     10) Compute pumped waste inflow based on current flow.

     11) Compute diurnal sewer plant inflow given daily average.

     12) Compute Soil Flood Potential.

     13) Compute rainfall-runoff from weather station rainfall or average of stations and display routed and combined hydrographs.

     14) Compute rainfall-runoff from adjusted NOAA Nexrad radar rainfall imagery and display routed and combined hydrographs for real-time and continuous simulation.   Add automated Nowcasts for 1 to 3 hour lead time rainfall, GetRealtime's Forecast Wizard for manual updates... and add HRRR 18 hours and NWS QPF quantitative precip forecasts for 7 days more lead time.  The HRRR 18 hr radar forecast loop will knock your socks off!

     15) Continuous snowpack and melt record for realtime rainfall-runoff  and display of routed and combined hydrographs for real-time and continuous simulation.
     16) Get, Combine, Subtract, Divert, Release, Add, and Route unlimited number of sub-basins with Tatum, Muskingum, and Cascading Modpul routings and an adjusted Modpul factor.

     17) Operate an irrigation district and/or complex reservoir system top to bottom and set releases and diversions based on your own priortity system and instream needs by shelling your own rule program or use GetRealtimes 5 equations and setup line IF execution to set them with a 5-minute/hourly time step for the next week, month, season, or years.  Getrealtime provides realtime rainfall and 7 day forecast so you are already WAY ahead in operations and water cuts.
     18) Or just about any computation you can put in the form of up to 5 equations relating the multiple parameters being retrieved and can include date and time, shifts, and conditionals for which to use.

Setup Wizards for computation of radar rainfall, radar adjust, runoff, snowmelt, ET, solar radiation, long wave radiation, and stream flow routing.  Evan beginners can turn a nearby Wunderground weather station into a cornucopia of scientific information.
Need a simple alternative to HEC-HMS Green-Ampt and don't think you can use your favorite loss method like the SCS CN method in a continuous model... think again.  GetRealtime's rainfall-runoff lumped model simulation parameters can fit the recessions and groundwater returns from bogs to rock bottoms.

Minimum required parameters from the user for runoff simulation:
1) Lag time to peak in hours.
2) Basin area in square miles.
3) Initial Loss or SCS Curve Number.
4) Constant Loss in/hr.
5) Percent impervious %.
6) Soil Group (A,B,C,D) for soil recovery factor..
Additional parameters with defaults the user can supply:
1) Time-step, 1-day, 1-hour, 5-minute.
2) Unit-graph modification with 5 straight forward parameters for peak, interflow, and recession shaping...
...or select from several dimensionless graphs like SCS, urban, USBR regionals, Clark 2 parameter, and linear reservoir.
3) Rainfall adjust factor.
4) Wet and Dry SCS curve number limits.
5) Groundwater storage recovery factor.
6) Groundwater base flow.
7) Groundwater loss factor.
8) Impervious directly connected factor.
9) Interception factor.
10) Water use factors (Kc) for adjusting reference ETo and a seasonal riparian ET adjustment factor.
11) Kansas default ETo or computed ETo record (ASCE Penman-Monteith calculation with all defaults provided except the Temp, Wind, Humidity record usually from any Wunderground station).
12) Snowpack and melt applied to rainfall record (Physical 1 layer heat transfer model with all defaults provided except the Temp, Wind, Humidity record).

Rainfall-Runoff simulation setup wizard:
runoff coefficents and Monte Carlo wizard  
ET evapotranspiration setup wizard for those not in Kansas anymore:
evapotranspiration coefficient setup wizard
Snowpack and melt setup wizard (solar and longwave radiation will be computed):
snowmelt coefficients setup wizard  
QPF forecast wizard:
rainfall forecast edit wizard
SCS Curve Number method adapted for continuous simulation with variable lag time:
continuous SCS Curve Number hydrograph
Continuous 2 gage adjusted radar SCS CN runoff and 4 day NWS QPF forecasts:
continuous runoff hydrograph
And with enough routing methods to keep both California and Arizona guessing.  Don't see what you need?  Just contact me below.

System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 98 or better... like XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10...  Owning MS Access is not required, see Free Downloads runtime but I think it ships with Vista and above.

Please use these programs freely, but if you would like to remove the nag screen on startup for GetGraphs and GetMapArea and keep me on your good side then you will need a registration number from here.
    Download Here

... And some more stuff

GetNexrad Screen Shot (It's Free):
radar storm track ETA and warnings

GetMapArea Screen Shot (It's Free):
rainfall runoff boundaries and coefficients

Additional page links about ET, Runoff, and Nexrad Radar help and comparisons:

Real-time Flood Alert Web Example for Snowmelt on Irrigation System
Getting Started with Adjusted Radar Rainfall
Adjusted Radar Comparisons at USGS Rain Gages
List of How To Videos on Youtube
Help Page for GetNexrad.exe

Youtube review of GetRealtime featuring GetRealtime by John Bittorf

About the webmaster:
10 years as field man, flood and surface water records hydrologist with the US Geological Survey.
* 20 years as office man and modeler in flood and water supply studies with the US Bureau of Reclamation.
* Currently unemployed man.
Got a question, shoot me an email.  I've got nothing better to do... till NASCAR starts.  If anyone would like me to provide a setup for their location to get them started, or  review their setups, or participate in a study in anyway I would be happy to do so for FREE!
CarsonCom webmaster  

The brains behind the outfit ...and goto mule skinner Dave (he actually works or did).
the brains


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Email: carson@getmyrealtime.com

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