Additional downloads:
GetNexrad 4.4.2:
7 MB
GetNexrad.exe only updated
Feb 9, 2025
Ridge1WorldFiles.zip 28 MB unzip into
GetNexrad folder.
(v 4.2 requires folder of old world files, see
GetNexrad Help)
(delete your GetNexradFiles.txt if problem)
Canada radar ID's Nov 22, 2020: RadarSites.txt
**Converts radar dBZ to rainfall amounts with loops
and graphical storm tracking. Mouse zoom and pan with drill down navigation from
the mosaics to radar sites and neighbor sites. Storm ETA at NASCAR race track
overlays. Reads Iowa State and NOAA Weather Toolkit historical KMZ files and also the new Ridge
2 images that povide 0.5 dBZ resolution. Overlays surface observations of
Temp, DewPoint, Gusts, Pressure, Precip, Pressure Centers, Fronts, Wind Barbs,
24-hour QPF's, and clickable Flood Forecast Points that animate with the
radar images. Zoomed Google Map overlays and and a web browser sidebar for even more
info. Storm tracking provides GetRealtime with 1-3 hours of rainfall
nowcast lead time. Set your geolocation on wifi browsers. The
31 Canadian C band radars and regional mosaics have been added and requires a full download for the
site list.**
Missing file???: METARlatlong.txt
LatLongPixels.exe updated May 20, 2022 **Calculates
radar image pixel locations and creates single point boundary and point files.
Updated for Ridge2, KMZ's, and decimal centroids. For those who already have basin
boundarys in Lat/Long's then you can convert them with
LatLongPixelsFromFile.exe updated
May 20, 2022. Can view all your Boundary Files and create
KML files for Google Earth viewing.
Both are in included in the full GetNexrad download**
GetMapArea.exe 4.0.2 (Full DownLoad
Above) updated Apr 12, 2017 **Big Google
Map Lat/Long & GetRealtime's HDB Access for rainfall-runoff . Now with full screen USGS Map Viewer
and EPA Waters KMZ on Google Earth. Also you might try
GoogleKML2Text.exe to read Google Earth Pro created polygon KML files and
convert to text boundary lat-longs for use by LatLongPixelsFromFile.exe above.**
Getting Started with Rainfall Runoff (Zip 9 MB)--Fully operational project examples
for radar rainfall, adjustment, and runoff computations for 3 subs at Nashville, TN
with Hec HMS and RAS projects. Unzip the download to C:\ where the
folder C:\GetNashville will be created and
read the file READ_ME.txt.. After getting this project working then you
can copy it and convert it to your basins of interest. And here is
a fully operational SNOWMELT setup
example in New York.
Don't have Microsoft Office Access installed for supporting the GetRealtime.exe
and GetAccess.exe database? Download the 35MB MSoA 2003 support file...
but I think the latest Microsoft Office Access Runtimes now ship with
Windows Vista and above so try it first... works for me sans Access on Windows
7, 8.
35 MB
Check out more free stuff...
Vista,7,8,10 install... from Windows Explorer right click the setup.exe
and 'Run as administrator'. Users having Acces Denied when saving text files can see
my online Comments below.
The fine print: The user assumes all risk for any damages
whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits arising in connection
with the access, use, quality, or performance of this website's softwares or
it's supplied data just so you know.